Recent content by Haskins

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  1. H

    Dwarf neon rainbow tail chewed on

    If it gets worse quarantine him or look to trade for something else no use in one fish ruining a community no matter how beautiful he is. The 10gal is a good idea he will still enjoy it in there.
  2. H

    Dwarf neon rainbow tail chewed on

    Okay awesome you know the culprit. Someone wrote add one or two more rainbows this is a good idea. You do have quite a few fish but the addition of one or two more might not hurt.
  3. H

    Dwarf neon rainbow tail chewed on

    What other species do you have in your aquarium.
  4. H

    stocking a 55 galllon unplanted freshwater tank

    These are great suggestions but I think if you are looking for a colourful lively tank you could go with a Malawi setup, these fish are colourful and exciting to watch. Dragon bloods and demasoni cichlids are beautifully coloured have great exciting characteristics they can also coexist. They...
  5. H

    Stocking 37 Gal

    White Cloud Mountain minnows are an awesome little fish which lov s to school they are hardy as well and are safe in an aquarium without a canopy. I got 8 in my 45gal and are awesome in my planted community I'm pretty sure there are some pics of them in my profile.
  6. H

    Stocking 37 Gal

    What about a few white clouds for your top water fish cheap but are beautiful when mature. I know they are a similarly coloured as the rummy nose. rlederer is right about the angels.
  7. H

    10g Planted Tank Build Journal

    This is going to be awesome actually it already is I might have to start a new one myself!!
  8. H


    Sounds like a great idea I've seen a few tanks like this mostly a rock set up with lots of caves. Malawi tanks are beautiful and lively enjoy your aquarium!!
  9. H

    Algae or eggs?

    It could be a mold of some sort, are your plants relatively new could come into your tank from store? Was just reading up on something like this the other day.
  10. H

    Help brand new to this

    Cycled my 45 for 9 days(not a number I specifically chose a week works)I used Fluval Bio and when I put my fish in I used some water conditioner as well before and after. Four months later I have not lost a fish. So I would say if you cycled for 5 days for a 10gal you are good to go! I hope you...
  11. IMG 0028

    IMG 0028

  12. Cory eggs. Got eaten but I'm okay with that.

    Cory eggs. Got eaten but I'm okay with that.

  13. Today at 4 months. Doing my first trim tomorrow.

    Today at 4 months. Doing my first trim tomorrow.

  14. Two and a half months in and I've added 8 white clouds and a Siamese Fighter male.

    Two and a half months in and I've added 8 white clouds and a Siamese Fighter male.

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