Recent content by haykay

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  1. H

    favoritest schooling fish

    i third the harlequin rasboras, my school is only 10 right now, but SOO much fun to watch and less skittish then my silver dollars!
  2. H

    Am I overstocked?

    I would also move the neons OR the platies into the 10 gallon, not the danios for the same reason as stated above. Glass fish depending on what you have tend to be schoolers adn will do better in a school Mollies can be quarelsome so if things are good I would NOT change your numbers there at...
  3. H

    help me please.. :)

    Cause of the ammonia? meaning that they died from being placed into a tank that wasn't cycled? the pet store stock of guppies in my area is aweful stock, they are seriously overbred and fragil. I went with an online supplier and got a great home stock! In a 100 gallon I think that i personally...
  4. H

    fancy guppy birthing

    its a stressful process having babies.. I'm glad that she is doing much better!
  5. H

    Hello Everyone

    welcome to AA!
  6. H

    Is it just me or are my fish less colorful in the morning??!!

    yep good advice was giving here. in the morning all fish tend to be a bit more dull, hiding from predators and the darkness doesn't highlight their color or (melanin)
  7. H

    Are there any eel like fish (long bodied fish) that i could keep in a comunity tank?

    thanks mike. I saw that comparisson earlier in the thread and thought It was possibly not correct...
  8. H

    Planted 40 breeder log (56K no no)

    hey i just want to add to the wood, that you can get it from 30 for 12 pieces plus shipping (40.38 for me)
  9. H

    what do you feed cory fry?

    What do you feed your cory fry?
  10. H

    safe stock for 10g?

    for color, i personally would get all males but they can be fussy together.. Otherwise like stated above 1 male to every 2 or 3 females, but your tank will very quickly be over run with fry as the females will have 20-30 fry about every 30 days!
  11. H

    Are there any eel like fish (long bodied fish) that i could keep in a comunity tank?

    hmm not sure if peacocks are snowflakes... I know that I have had mine in a 125gallon for the last year and he is still only about 6 inches... Mine eats mostly bloodworms, but now he will eat any kind of frozen food and the occasional fry. he is in with an angel, silverdollars, cories, pleco...
  12. H

    Dwarf Gouramis with Honey Gouramis

    well, dwarfs are usually more "Friendly" than non dwarfs, but gouramis can be very territorial amongst each other (kinda like bettas) 3 males in a 75 is a good number, i suppose you caould always try it, but have a backup plan to move them if the emergency arrises
  13. H

    Stand Problem???

    what are you going to stock in it?
  14. H

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