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  1. H

    Stocking Ideas for 40gal

    It’s a bristlenose, and yes I just added more Kuhlis and Corydoras yesterday haha. Now there up to 7 each. Is there any type of small tetra (big enough the angelfish or gouramis won’t snatch haha) to school also I have had so hilstream loaches in their before and they did just fine with all the...
  2. H

    Stocking Ideas for 40gal

    I have a 40 gal breeder tank with currently 11 fish that I have had for a while now Currently I have.. 1 male angelfish 1 female opaline gourami 1 male moonlight gourami 2 swordtails 1 pleco 2 Corydoras 1 oto cat 2 Kuhli loaches I’d love to add some hilstream loaches I’ve had them in this...
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