Recent content by Hunnelips

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. H

    Tragic Betta Deaths

    Nessler test by API...probably useless because I use ammo-carb in my filter cartridges and amquel plus as my water conditioner. My tap water has chloramines and reads 1ppm ammonia via the test AFTER I put amquel plus in. That's why I use so much ammonia safeguarding. I don't like adding...
  2. H

    Bent endler guppy

    Agreed. Sometimes it takes awhile for deformities to show up.
  3. H

    Regional Stocking?

    LOL Thanks for the laugh I needed it today. I guess I prefer keeping native fish together...but variation does look pretty cool.
  4. H

    Danio Fry Dying

    Not sure if you do or not...but break up some of the food you feed your fish into tiny almost barely visible particles for the fry. My fry (platy and guppy) won't eat unless it's well broken up. I've read that all fry is difficult to keep sometimes and grow weak and die before becoming juveniles.
  5. H

    What Made You Want A Freshwater Aquarium?

    I guess for me it's always just been the case of how interesting it is to have a little mini environment forcefully integrated with our own. You simply cannot walk through an office or someone's home that has an aquarium without looking at it. I love to aquascape...and love it even more when...
  6. H

    Regional Stocking?

    What is everyone's thoughts on keeping fish stocked in your tank by the region they are native to?
  7. H

    Dying and Stressed Fish! Help!

    I guess there is always exceptions to everything...the mollies available in my area get pretty sick without brackish water.
  8. H

    Old or sick neon tetra?

    When my fish fade in color I vary their diet...but it seems like only one of your fish is effected so it can't be that. Try Tetra Color food, it may improve coloration all around in the whole school.
  9. H

    Dying and Stressed Fish! Help!

    I've had many mollies throughout the years and have learned one thing. They do best with platys and swordtails as they are the only fish that put up with the salt requirement mollies have. Believe it or not the zebra danios are the biggest bullies in your tank. I doubt however they are...
  10. H

    Algae Eater - fat

    I can't tell what his species is. From my experience with them they stay relatively thin and streamlined. Mine was a flying fox. You aren't over feeding and he looks healthy other than his belly being a little large. I'd look up his specific species and do some research on behavior and...
  11. H

    can any tell if my molly is ok

    Is she acting normal? Also, have you added aquarium salt to the water? Mollies need I think one teaspoon per five gallons of tank water to maintain health and proper color.
  12. H

    Firemouth cichlid

    Firemouths have to be one of my favorites. So beautiful.
  13. H

    New fish

    Love the stripe over the eye. They look awesome.
  14. H

    Upgrading fro 10 gl to 20gl long

    If you go with another substrate, make sure you take a good handful of the gravel in your ten gallon and place it into clean unused pantyhose and tie it off. Place it in the new tank to give it a jump start on bacteria. If that pleco is a common you might want to save your old ten gallon just...
  15. H

    New betta can't get that type over here where I am.
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