Recent content by HyperFerret

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. H

    HELP! New to SW, Will these be okay to use? (Pics included)

    First of all, thanks for the replies! Kurt, yep he feeds the bristle worm minnows. You using the word "yowsa" really tickled me. Haven't heard that in a really long time. Sorry for just dumping all of that on you guys. Yeah, it was pretty long and cluttered. I'm really bad about doing that...
  2. H

    HELP! New to SW, Will these be okay to use? (Pics included)

    ~Continued~ `~~~~ CONTINUED! ~~~~` He's also giving me all the sand out of his old tank. (He has two saltwater tanks but is now wanting to use his smaller tank for freshwater.) I do know that he is giving me sand and not crushed coral. Along with the sand, he's also giving me some live rocks...
  3. H

    HELP! New to SW, Will these be okay to use? (Pics included)

    Hello Everyone! I have always wanted a saltwater tank but was simply too scared to try. I finally just now decided to get my feet wet. (haha ... anywho...) I would love to have a reef tank - with live rock, soft coral, anenamies (sp?), and the fishies of course. Though, at the same time, I...
  4. H

    Guppy Paralyzed yet Still Living???

    Oh ... Qt ... Quarantine Tank ... I knew that ... :rolleyes: I feel stupid now, lol. I'll probably use a 10 gallon, the rubbermaid container would be too easy for my cats to access. I'll go to the fish store and get some type of bacterial medication for her. I noticed today she is swimming...
  5. H

    Guppy Paralyzed yet Still Living???

    What is QT? Will the pet store know what I'd be referring to? Will I need to place her in a tank alone or will it be okay being used in the same tank with all the other fish. (guppies, danios, molly) Will it be safe for fry?
  6. H

    Guppy Paralyzed yet Still Living???

    No, her fins are still yellow as they were before. I'm really surprized she's still living! I was sure she would be dead the next day ... and then the next day ... and then the next ... Now that she's still living I feel bad I didn't make sure I couldn't do anything before now.
  7. H

    Guppy Paralyzed yet Still Living???

    I have a guppy who appears to be paralyzed from the "waist" down. She can't move her caudal fin at all. Infact her what used to be fanned out tail is now solidly formed into a sharp point. Also, her lower body doesn't even move, just kinda drags behind her. I thought she was just dieing. Well...
  8. H

    And would you like Fries with that?

    Four months ago, my beloved fishy passed away. Since then, my 10 gallon tank has been vacant. (She was the only fish kept in that tank.) I just now decided to set it up again. Last Friday, 10/26/07, I bought 2 guppies. Then last Saturday, I bought 3 long fin guppies and 3 glofishes. (Which...
  9. H

    I wanna get Rocky

    I appreciate all the feed back! JDogg I am curious to know why you suggest that I only use granite, basalt, or slate? Also, yes, I am able to identify different rocks. Though, the only reason being is that my father was an avid rock collector. :)
  10. H

    I wanna get Rocky

    Hi there. Okay, I have an idea but I need a little help to make sure I do this correctly. I took a collection of stones from Lake Erie and brought them home with me. Basically, I gathered a wee bit of "home-home" and carried them to what I now call home. Anywho, I would love to...
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