Recent content by iamn0angel

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. I

    Questions about cycling a tank

    Thanks for your reply BB - Thanks for your suggestion. I thought about starting with a planted tank but I am new to the aquarium world and the thought of worrying about the health of my fish AND the health of my plants did not appeal to me. I wanted to start with fish and then possibly add...
  2. I

    Questions about cycling a tank

    Thanks for your help! The pH was 8.2 last time I checked which was approx 24 hours after a water change. Can you give me more info on what the pH relationship with ammonia or nitrates/nitrites is?
  3. I

    Questions about cycling a tank

    Thanks for reply! Thanks so much for your reply! To answer your questions.... -The pH was 8.2 last time I checked (which is the only time I have checked with the liquid test kit). This was approx. 24 hrs after a water change. -I do not have plants - I do have driftwood which is definitely...
  4. I

    Questions about cycling a tank

    Hi, I have a 20 gallon non-planted tank that has been running about 10 weeks now. It has had 3 white cloud minnows in it since the beginning. I have been doing 10-20% water changes weekly to bi-weekly. I do not overfeed the fish. My ammonia spiked at 4 then started going back down but I have...
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