Recent content by Imzadi7

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  1. Imzadi7

    Make or female platy?

    Female Platies can also change sex to male. Could be one of those as well. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  2. Imzadi7

    Gap between tank and stand

    Thanks! I'll run over there today and see if I can find it. :) EDIT: Was able to find it at a different Home Depot. I'll be glad to finally be able to get this thing set up now. :)
  3. Imzadi7

    Gap between tank and stand

    Okeedokee then. I'll see if I can find some. My local store says they have it, even though I didn't see it out on the floor maybe it's up on a pallet or something. :) Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  4. Imzadi7

    Gap between tank and stand

    Is that the thick green stuff in squares? I saw some that was close to an inch thick and aroundt a foot and a half square. I certainly didn't see anything that was 4 ft. long except the stuff that was $45. EDIT: Okay, I see it online and it says the local store has it. But isn't 3/4" pretty...
  5. Imzadi7

    Gap between tank and stand

    Well I checked out Home Depot and Lowes and Lowes was the only one that had the right kind of insulation sheets but they were $45 for a pack of 6 or 8. That's pretty expensive when I only need one sheet. Need to look at something else I guess.
  6. Imzadi7

    Betta food other than pellets

    I feed mine frozen brine shrimp, frozen blood worms, pellets and freeze dried blood worms. I have heard the thing about parasites in frozen food but I would think that freezing would kill most anything harmful. I've been feeding this combination of foods for several years and no problem so far...
  7. Imzadi7

    Gap between tank and stand

    Thanks Andy, that's very helpful. I'll check it out. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  8. Imzadi7

    Gap between tank and stand

    Ha ha! :) Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  9. Imzadi7

    Gap between tank and stand

    Well I have a couple of rambunctious dogs. ? Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  10. Imzadi7

    Gap between tank and stand

    I was thinking, styrofoam can be a bit slick, I wonder if there's any chance of a tank sliding off the stand? Maybe that sounds silly. :) Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  11. Imzadi7

    Gap between tank and stand

    Thanks Andy. Is there any particular thickness you recommend?
  12. Imzadi7

    Gap between tank and stand

    Good point, I'll just have to figure out the best shim material. I keep hearing now how styrofoam isn't good to use because it can compress. Maybe a rubber mat? If I can find one.
  13. Imzadi7

    Gap between tank and stand

    Tried unscrewing the stand and readjusting it but there's still a bit of a gap. Just don't know whether to chance it or not. Most all of my older stands were wood and didn't have this issue.
  14. Imzadi7

    Gap between tank and stand

    That's true but you'd think with manufactured aquariums that there'd be some quality control. :lol:
  15. Imzadi7

    Gap between tank and stand

    I thought about maybe getting some Styrofoam and putting in between the tank and stand. I wonder if the bottom of tank could be crooked? It just seems odd that everything would be level.
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