Recent content by indego

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  1. I

    Skinny Rummy Nose Tetra

    It's an 80 Litre tank. The pH is 7.2, kH 3.5, my gH is 18 and I am slowly lowering it. (Less than a point per two weeks.) Amonia is 0, Nitrite 0, and Nitrait was 4 before a water change. At feeding time he charges around the tank, but seems to struggle to get any food. A flake, or worm will...
  2. I

    Skinny Rummy Nose Tetra

    I recently brought 4 Rummy Nose Tetras. (Around 6 weeks ago.) 3 of them are doing very well, but one of them is loosing weight. It seems active enough, and is always fosicing around the tank. All of their noses are very bright red (except for very early in the morning, they're quite pale when...
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