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Experimenting with Walstad

I was raised with fish in the house and am just getting started with my own small tanks.
Soldotna, Alaska
in-home care
My Tanks
4gallon hex: Yellow grass veiltail guppies and red ramshorns; duckweed, cryptocoryne wendtii green, staghorn java fern on a rock, 2 aponogetons, alternathera reineckii, hygrophila corymbosa (I think); green colored gravel, no fertilizer, Lee's fishbowl UGF with Poly-Bio-Marine's Poly-Filter in the cartridge, 7watt full spectrum CFL (timer: 5 hours on, 4 off, 5 on)

5-gallon rectangular, Walstad-style NPT: Red snake veiltail guppies, red ramshorns, tadpole snails and assassin snails; Bacopa Madagascarensis (I think), Rotala rotundifola, Alternathera ficoidea, dwarf hairgrass, and some Java fern and Java moss to add some plant mass while the others get established; 1/2 inch of Fishy Peat potting soil and 1/2 inch aquarium gravel on top. 14watt fluorescent tube, on the same timer as the 4g.
2 gallon Eclipse Explorer: Salt-and-pepper Cory cat, bright red female veiltail betta, 2 adult Japanese livebearing snails and 1 baby, red ramshorns, and 1 large dark native ramshorn; local stem pla
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