Recent content by joanofsnark

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. J

    AlgaeFix Dosing

    Thanks, I'll check this out! :)
  2. J

    AlgaeFix Dosing

    My water parameters are all pretty normal. When I last tested, nitrates weren't 0, but they were below what I read as acceptable. It's hard to read for nitrates with the API kit; 20 and 40 ppm look to be exactly the same color. In any case, the water was 20-40 ppm for nitrates. I recently had a...
  3. J

    AlgaeFix Dosing

    Hi.. I have been fighting algae and algae blooms in my tank for ages. It's likely due to the location of the tank, but I can't change that, unfortunately. So, I thought I'd try AlgaeFix to kill off what's in there to have a better time going forward. I've reduced the light time and gotten a new...
  4. J

    Tank Meltdown

    Hi.. sorry, I didn't get notified of a response in this thread. Thank you for the recommendation; the ich seems to be gone now, but I will make note of trying acriflavine instead next time. Or maybe aquarium salt and temperature, since a lot of people seem to have good luck with that.
  5. J

    Tank Meltdown

    Yeah, it's very strange. I've done so many water changes that the Rid-Ich should be all but gone... I have plants and a biofilter.. I don't understand why all those fish died. All I can think is that is has to do with the water, but WHAT in the world is it? The gourami seem perfectly normal...
  6. J

    Tank Meltdown

    I live in a pretty small apartment and I don't really have room for another tank... however, I'm brainstorming about options because I do think that I should have a quarantine tank or at least a tank to remove certain fish if necessary. As far as the ich.. my understanding (correct me if I'm...
  7. J

    Tank Meltdown

    Thanks for replying.. I've been using Rid-Ich Plus, which says that it's safer for scaleless fish. My research into the matter indicated that I could do half doses in the case of having sensitive fish. The first time, I used full doses and killed my prized upside-down catfish and a loach. I had...
  8. J

    Tank Meltdown

    Hi, all.. this is my first post, but I've been lurking here a while for all the great aquarium advice. :) Four years ago, I inherited an established 65 gal tank with lights, Eheim canister filter, heater, and airstone. At my friend's, this was the most low-maintenance tank you have ever seen...
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