
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Well, I was born in 1998 and I'm a dedicated aquarist.

Aquariums obviusly, chemistry experiments, etc.
My Tanks
40 gallon amazon biotope
6 neon
6 lemon tetras
6 penguin tetras
6 assorted bronze and pepper corys
4 angelfish
Filter: fluval 205 and a powerhead of 900 liters per hour.
Some vallisnerias, swords and red tiger lotus.

30 gallon african cichlid tank
4 electric yellow labs.
Filter: 2 HOB (elite hush 55 & dolphin h800)
No plants, just rocks.

20 gallon community
4 rosy barbs
5 tiger barbs
3 cherry barbs
2 kribensis
Filter: Aquaclear 20
Only a sword.

15 gallon livebearer
2 mollys
4 platys
A lot of baby and adult guppys. :s
Filter: Tetra Whisper i30.
Slightly brackish but successfully housing a sword, jungle vals and najas guadalupensis.

10 gallon planted
1 crowntail betta
3 blackskirt tetras
3 redeye tetras
4 harlequin rasbora
3 zebra danios
Filter: an internal 450 liters per hour.
Obviusly heavily planted.



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