Recent content by juliestimpson

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. J

    Please help!, very poorly fishes!

    THANK YOU JSOONG! unfortunately they had gone before i got this but i dont think there was much more i could have done, I think the temp bing uped did cause an explosion of the cysts cause over night it wne t from just tails to all over their bodies, even their eyes, it was extremely sad to...
  2. J

    Please help!, very poorly fishes!

    Thanks for all your advice, sadly alan my shubunkin passed away at 1pm today, and his poor brother was just there nudging him, very very upsetting, gary the goldfish weirdly seemd to have perked up slightly and hasnt crashed on the bottom for nearly two hours?? i have cleaned out the tank...
  3. J

    Please help!, very poorly fishes!

    Thanks to you both for your replies but alas this morning both my fish have taken a very big turn for the worse, One looks like hes actually falling apart as he moves which is very little, I have moved them to a bucket with fin rot treatment a plant and covered them for darkness, as a think...
  4. J

    Please help!, very poorly fishes!

    Hi, I am new and have come in search of advice and expertise! I have two fish, both 3 1/2 years old, one a goldfish and one a shubumpkin( not sure how to spell that!) We noticed in the last 6 months they were getting very big, so decided to treat them to an extension and get them a bigger...
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