Recent content by kingfisher

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  1. K

    Hi guys

    I have rehome my Oscars now because it wasn't just getting money for a bigger tank it was also having room, anyway its all good news as they haven't started coming round and swimming about in there new surroundings but thanks all for the advice,
  2. K

    Oscar info needed please,

    With it being a bow fronted tank its awkward to measure but iv done me best, across the front it is 50 inch depth it is 28 inches and from front over tank to the far corner where the internal filter is situated its 30 inches inside the tank to the back corner. If that makes any sense to you..
  3. K

    Oscar info needed please,

    I'm at a loss at the moment, I know I shouldn't have the 3 together but ivfound the bill for my tank. Which I stated was only 145 litre but the receipt tells me it's a juwel 190 190 litre so I'm hoping munroe sees this who keeps oscars and let's me know if I would be okay to keep 2 of my fish...
  4. K

    Oscar info needed please,

    **** I'm learning now, I love my Oscars and it's looking like there gonna have to go
  5. K

    Oscar info needed please,

    Hi munroe. Sorry for mothering you, I have found the bill for my tank and it says on there I purchased a juwel 190 trigon. 190 litre water capacity where I said it was 145 in my main post, is 190 still to small for the 3 oscars, what would be your best advice please....
  6. K

    Oscar info needed please,

    :( lol very true daryl my brother as had oscars before so I was silly to get the smaller tank knowing the size they grow to, and was even more stupid buying the 3 oscars. :banghead:
  7. K

    Oscar info needed please,

    I mentioned to say the aquarium I purchased the tank as given me big lie regarding tank size and how many oscars I can keep. Thanks again
  8. K

    Oscar info needed please,

    My water temp is at 75 ezy thanks for your reply. And munre thanks for your valuable comments. It looks like I'm gonna have to rehome them because at the moment I can't afford a bigger tank, the aquarium I bought them as given me me a number steer regarding tank size and Oscar limits, not a...
  9. K

    Oscar info needed please,

    I have 3 tiger oscars roughly 5mnths old everything was fine up to 3 weeks ago but now they just lie on the bottom of there tank and at times they go on there sides, I have alsorts about this saying it can be a natural thing or that oscars are a lazy fish but I just need it clarified of someone...
  10. K

    Hi guys

    I'm new to the sight today so thanks having me aboard, well my name is Ian I live in manchester. England iam 47yrs young :). I have a jewel bow fronted aquarium 130 litres and I have 3 tiger oscars in there age now about 5 mnth. If there's anyone out there who knows about oscars. Would...
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