Recent content by Leeny

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Leeny

    3 gallon impulse buy

    Ember tetras would do very well in a 3g tank since they're so tiny.
  2. Leeny

    A Little Help for a First Time Betta Owner :)

    On some filters you can adjust the rate that the water comes out of it at, so you may want to see if you can do that on yours.
  3. Leeny

    Lighting Question

    I got a used aquarium from my neighbor today and it has a light fixture on it that still works. It's probably about 15-18 years old. Will this be safe to use on the tank? As I said, it still works fine, but would it be safer to just buy a new one? I obviously don't want it to explode or...
  4. Leeny

    My little Eheim kitten

    That is too cute! :D
  5. Leeny

    Getting some African Cichlids

    Fish do this because the hair on an arm looks like algae to them.
  6. Leeny

    What Made You Want A Freshwater Aquarium?

    For my birthday about 5 years ago, my parents bought me my 29 gallon. The way they did it was that they scheduled it with the cycling so that I'd be able to have fish in it exactly on my birthday. It was pretty cool. :D
  7. Leeny

    Best Way to Clean a Tank?

    I just found out that the only thing this tank held was a tarantula. I'm hoping that since it's never held water, the silicone will still be good! EDIT: Also just found out that it's actually a 10 gallon instead of a 20.
  8. Leeny

    dead shrimp

    All shrimp turn pink when they die. It has nothing to do with water temp.
  9. Leeny

    Best Way to Clean a Tank?

    My neighbor is giving me her old 20 gallon tank as payment for helping her wax her boat, but it's all dirty and gross. What's the best way to clean it before I start to cycle it?
  10. Leeny

    First aquarium - planted or not ?

    The hang on back filters are very easy to install and very easy to maintain. I personally use an AquaClear and love it. I've had no problems with it, and adjusting the amount of intake water is very easy.
  11. Leeny

    Moving a Tank for Carpet Replacement

    I'd be moving it out the morning before they replace the carpet and putting it back the same day. Would it be a good idea to just leave the fish in the bucket for that amount of time?
  12. Leeny

    Aquarium Location and Kids

    A 25 gallon aquarium weighs about 250 pounds with water in it, so it's less likely to break by being knocked over than breaking from something being thrown and shattering the glass.
  13. Leeny

    Moving a Tank for Carpet Replacement

    I'm getting the carpet in my bedroom replaced and will have to move my 29G out into the hallway (about 20 ft from where it is now). I know how to make the move, but I was wondering if I should keep the tank in the hallway for a few days after the new carpet has been installed so the fish aren't...
  14. Leeny

    Inch Per Gallon

    I don't think it's a good rule to live by because you also need to account for the width of the fish. Fish aren't 2D creatures, they have mass which means waste. The rounder the fish, the more waste produced.
  15. Leeny

    Why is My Tank Re-cycling?

    The only thing in the last week that I did was a 1/3 water change. I've been scrubbing a lot of algae lately, could that be it?
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