Recent content by lil monster

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  1. lil monster

    Pictus catfish...not so humble.

    Awesome! Sounds like it's come together very well for you! Good sticktoitiveness! When I bought the Pictus, I had no idea how fascinating they would be. They are very graceful swimmers, yet fast and powerful when they need to be. I like their personalities, and all their frenetic activity...
  2. lil monster

    Pictus catfish...not so humble.

    I have 3 Pictus cats and they're actually not very social. In fact, one of them hides in a log during the day and if another fish (including the other Picts) come near the opening, he chases them off. I call him the Godfather of the fish, lol! He won't mess with the turtle or the crabs tho! I...
  3. lil monster


    Hello everyone! I have a 75 gal. tank with a small Southern painted turtle, 2 Fiddler crabs, 2 Mystery snails, 3 Emerald Cory catfish, 3 Pictus catfish, 3 Tetras and a Loach. I had also put 8 Ghost Shrimp in the tank when I set it up, but I'm not sure how many there are now because the turtle...
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