Recent content by lynnseyjean

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  1. L

    Need suggestions

    2 red zebras Red finned zebra Jewel Calico Blue zebra Peacock Compatibility isn't a huge issue since I now have an empty 30 gallon I need to stock as well. Just looking for some cool ideas. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  2. L

    Need suggestions

    Just moved from a 30 gallon to a 60 gallon set up for my cichlids meaning I have room for some new ones! Just looking for some of your suggestions of favorites. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  3. L

    Bully Blue Acei

    I have a calico cichlid & he seems to be the target of a lot of bullying as well. He is actually in a hospice tank now due to havin his fins bit so much. Have taken him out of the tank & the other fish are fine. I don't know has anyone else found maybe they are less agressive? Sent from my...
  4. L

    post your cichlid setup here!

    Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
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