Recent content by M1k3y_gumi

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  1. M1k3y_gumi

    Centerpiece fish with ember tetras?

    Thanks for the input! I agree. It'll probably work out if i stay on top of my pwc and the plants ought to help too! I'm leaning towards the peacock gudgeon but I'll post update pics once I get my fish.
  2. M1k3y_gumi

    Centerpiece fish with ember tetras?

    Places like seriouslyfish say pairs or a male with many females but don't talk much about what they're like alone but is that not an issue? Its like that with the other fish here too haha. Not much info on what they're like when they don't really have buddies. Thanks!
  3. M1k3y_gumi

    Centerpiece fish with ember tetras?

    So peacock gudgeons are fine in a 10 gal with 8 ish embers? I was worried they might be too big but I don't actually know.
  4. M1k3y_gumi

    Dwarf Baby Tears with no CO2???

    Ahh you're right! They look just the same almost haha. Appreciate the suggestion!
  5. M1k3y_gumi

    Centerpiece fish with ember tetras?

    Would yo happen to know the scientific name? Haha. I had some trouble trying to google it.
  6. M1k3y_gumi

    Centerpiece fish with ember tetras?

    Apparently they get up to 3 inches? Do you think 10gal is enough for them? And then how many more embers would there be room for? Thanks!
  7. M1k3y_gumi

    Centerpiece fish with ember tetras?

    Ahh yes! Do you know how their temperament is alone? I usually hear about them in pairs or groups. Example: for clown killifish Seriously fish says small tetras make good tank mates but then go on to suggest 8-10 killies so that the will be less shy and behave more interestingly...
  8. M1k3y_gumi

    Centerpiece fish with ember tetras?

    Yea I really like how they look but most people seem to have them in a species bio-tope tank so I don't know how they do with other fish. I know they like floating plants and are apparently more on the timid side. I don't have any floating plants and it would be one on its own so my concern is...
  9. M1k3y_gumi

    Dwarf Baby Tears with no CO2???

    I just want to hear from any one who has tried growing HC without injecting CO2 and how much success they've had with it. I hear it's possible but people seem to be getting mixed results? I'm not looking to get it to spread everywhere necessarily. I'm just hoping to keep it alive and well...
  10. M1k3y_gumi

    Centerpiece fish with ember tetras?

    I've been keeping a school of ember tetras in a heavily planted10 gal but their number have dwindled over the years. Now I'm only left with two and I plan on adding several to get back my school. With this new revamp, I'm hoping this time to find a nice small centerpiece fish that will do...
  11. M1k3y_gumi

    New Tank Questions

    Just rember that old media in a new tank without fish won't have any nitrogenous waste to feed on so if you just leave it there for too link w/ out fish you could lose all the Bb.
  12. M1k3y_gumi

    Neon tetra stays in plants

    Even community fish like tetras sometimes don't get along100%. Believe it or not one of my female embers used to act territorial. Now they're all settle in. I think it just takes time for them to get used to eachother.
  13. M1k3y_gumi

    help lowering ph (crushed corral)

    Opposite of what coral does is tannin. Dw and pray work. Also decaf teabags help too. Some of my tetras like the lower oh so I throw in a teabag for a few hours after pwc.
  14. M1k3y_gumi

    Using natural rocks in aquarium

    Well if its a solid rock then the only bb is on the surface and cleaning really wouldn't affect your cycle. All rocks are different some are inert others mess with water chemistry. The vinigar test is supposedly pretty accurate but the best would be try and find what kind of Rick it is and find...
  15. M1k3y_gumi

    water lettuce help

    I hear its more of a pond plant. I'm not sure you'd get much from having that in a tank and I'm sure youll need lights?
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