Recent content by meatball2000

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. M

    Planted Aquarium Novice

    I figured I'd need some snails and possibly an algae eater, just to take care of the algal growth. Thanks for the advice.
  2. M

    Planted Aquarium Novice

    Either 10 gallon or 30 gallon. Not sure yet. I have a couple at school, but need to check both of them out for leaks. Whichever one is in the best condition.
  3. M

    Planted Aquarium Novice

    Hi all, I'm a high school biololgy teacher who has had every animal imaginable in my classroom. I'm done with animals. Love them, but they are too much trouble. I want to set up a plant aquarium. Mainly Elodea and possibly other freshwater plants. We use Elodea quite a bit in our Biology...
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