Recent content by Mercy

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  1. Mercy

    All Ich, or something else?

    Oh man, they were doing better for a bit there, but I just had a HUGE outbreak of the ich dots. The remaining guppies are nearly finless, and look like they've been snowed on... My temp is at a steady 86 so I have no idea why it keeps getting worse. I guess I'll bring it up a bit more? I'm...
  2. Mercy

    Antibiotic Advice for treating an ulcer on a Betta

    I had this EXACT thing happen to one of my female bettas. The injury looked just like your photos. It started off looking almost like a raised scale/infected pore on her nose, and then popped open and began slowly working it's way toward her eye. I settled for regular water changes and some...
  3. Mercy

    All Ich, or something else?

    Hey Del, I really did think they would take that into account but I guess not? Now I'm also worried the conditioner may have removed my plant's iron too, but I will deal with that later. XD One problem at a time. I just went and picked up a digital thermometer (to go along with my 2 standard...
  4. Mercy

    All Ich, or something else?

    Hey Delapool! Thank you so much for your fast reply and warm welcome. I've been coming here for answers for a long time, but in this case, no one else's thread was helping. I never even thought of septicemia but as soon as I looked it up, that's probably exactly what it was. I had forgotten...
  5. Mercy

    All Ich, or something else?

    This is long because it's been a battle, and I want to be thurough for the most accurate answers. Alright here it goes... I had a 10 gallon tank with a well established family of guppies (about 5 males and 10 females) and 2 young albino bristenose plecos. I had them all for over a month with no...
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