Recent content by minirhyder

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  1. M

    Fishless cycling help

    pH: 7, ammonia/nitrite/nitrate: 0 I don't have a kh kit on hand, but I haven't had pH problems caused by tap water in the past (and adding shells has worked quite well), so I doubt this is a direct cause of my tap water.
  2. M

    Fishless cycling help

    All my test kits are API. So you're saying I should let it be, for the water to build up hardness? What about the low pH? Won't that stall my cycle indefinitely?
  3. M

    Fishless cycling help

    Hi there! I'm currently doing a fishless cycle in my 29 gallon aquarium. I am about 6 weeks in at the moment and I'm having the following problem. My ammonia levels won't drop to 0. They go from 2+ppm (after I add in another dose) to 0.5 ppm overnight and stay there. Nitrite levels spike about...
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