
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Fish, Snowboarding, Paintball, and Computers
Southern California
Internal Information Systems Analyst
My Tanks
36 Gallon Bowfront
- 1 x Magnum 350 using Activated Carbon and
- 2 x 100 watt Stealth Pro Heaters
- 2 Miscellaneous Air Pumps.
- Live Plants
- 5 Platies
- 4 Panda Cories
- 1 Electric Blue Ram(the LFS gave us this one to make up for the others that died when we were doing water changes with treated tap water which they said was fine, but we've switched to RO now and it seems to have fixed the issue)
- Debating on what else to put in the tank now, thinking Angels, but not sure.

14 Gallon
- QuietFlow™ 10
- 50 watt Stealth Pro Heaters
- 6 African Cichlids

10 Gallon
- 2 x QuietFlow™ 10
- 1 x 50 watt Stealth Pro Heaters
- Home Made Plexiglass Divider
- Male Crown Tail Beta
- Female Beta
- 2 x Flying Foxes
- 2 x Neon Tetra
- 1 x Random Odd Colored Tetra



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