
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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My daughter (age 10) and I have 3 aquariums.

fish, scrapbooking, sports
Daphne, AL
Director, PMO
My Tanks
In early January 2013 we setup our first tank (20 gallons). About 2 weeks later we setup a second 20 gallon tank for pregnant balloon belly mollies and platy. A week ago we setup a 10 gallon aquarium for the baby mollies (26 total).

Since teh tanks are new we check the water each day and have done frequent water changes. In our first 20 gallon aquarium we have 5 neon tetras, 3 male guppies a male molly and a male platy. In the second aquarium we have 2 female mollies (one gave birth last Sunday and 1 that is pregnant) and 2 female platys that appear to be pregnant. In our thrid aquarium we have 26 tiny baby mollies.
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