Recent content by mxracer629

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  1. M

    Please help!!!! My discus are dying!!

    Oh you will not beleave it, but i will never order anymore fish from them every again! One of the twelve i got was in a bag that the water had leaked out and was dead! As soon as i opened the box and seen this i called, pretty much he said sorry and that was it!!! Even took a pic and sent to him...
  2. M

    Please help!!!! My discus are dying!!

    Well, four of my fish was 400.00 and then I had a shipment of twelve, and i have lost all of them but four! So yes!! I have lost 600.00 of discus!! I have found out the problem! Its parisites, they have infested my tank! And they got there, from the fish i ordered from something phishy! Do not...
  3. M

    Please help!!!! My discus are dying!!

    Ok thanks, but i have raised tha temp, back up, it is set back at 84, also tha fish was dying at this temp as well.
  4. M

    Please help!!!! My discus are dying!!

    Ok guys, sorry for tha delay of getting back, but all my water parms. Are in the correct ranges, tha ph is 6.5-7.0 water temp was at 82 degrees,but now i have it around 74 degrees, and also i do a 50% water change every two weeks. I have one that is in a sick tank now, it was going crazy, and...
  5. M

    Please help!!!! My discus are dying!!

    I have a 130 gallon tank set up with discus, i have lost three already, and i have spent a ton of money on meds. That have not worked, the symptoms: they will start swimming real fast running into things and darting like something has scared them, next i noticed one that died had small spots on...
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