Recent content by Nick_Ash10

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. N

    Just starting

    Okay little bit of an update. I found out why my ph is high, my tap water is high right out of the faucet so that is why. I got some of the chlorine stuff today and some of the helpful bacteria stuff today as well. I don't have a test kit for the ammonia, do I need to get one? If so I can get...
  2. N

    Just starting

    Okay so by having the fish in there it should start doing the cycle without me having to add anything? As for the ph, it won't hurt that it is so high will it? It don't even show on my ph color chart since it is so high and it just don't seem good lol
  3. N

    Just starting

    Hi, I am new here and just found this forum. It had lots of info so I decided to join :) Well I just got a 46 gallon I am using for freshwater and just got it set up a couple weeks ago. I let it run for a week but didnt know about the ammonia and the cycling system so here is a couple...
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