Recent content by nickyc

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. N

    another level?

    Thanks both! Slate is not a bad idea - I've done a bit of that in the tank I've got now and then put some planted wood on top. To get the height I'm after I'd have to find some more. The gravel worries me a bit though as I would have thought that a large mound would give me too much inert...
  2. N

    another level?

    Hi, I'm new to this site, and about to set up my new vision 180 :D I'd like to have a raised area on one side to the give the tank a different look to my current 2 foot. I'm looking for something about 12-15cm from the floor. I've seen this done in marine tanks with 'egg crate' but not sure...
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