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My tanks, kick boxing, and my husband say DVR lol
Pet Groomer
My Tanks
I have 3 Tanks, 46 gallon salt water tank, 28 gallon freshwater convicts cichlids and a 55 gallon that is empty, but it will soon be my convicts new home. The 28 gallon will be turned into a plant tank, but i still don't know what fish I want to put in there yet. My salt water tank has a scooter blenny, 2 clowns, 1 pj, 1 goby wrasse and a pink spotted goby, and my copperband butterfly, 1 Curly-Que Anemone and 1 Colored Condylactus Anemone that can't stay still, tiger pistol shrimp and a blood red fire shrimp. No coral yet.
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