Recent content by oct18af

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. O

    Is "River Water" better?

    With him just starting up should he be using a 10 ga. tank. I just started off myself so i dont know much but i heard that the bigger the tank you start off with the easier thye process will go... is this true
  2. O

    new used tank need help with

    One last question... The top layer of the filter is a bag of rocks maybe charcol and a littler bag of some tiny little mystery beads. Do you know what the mystery beads are. They are real little and an off white collor.
  3. O

    new used tank need help with

    Would it be ok if i plug the filter in and just cycle tap water in it through the sink to clean it out. And also you said replace the media with fresh do i have to replace all the levels or is just the bottom foam pads all i need. I'm not quite sure what the top layer even is.
  4. O

    new used tank need help with

    OK here's the deal. I just bought a 55 G tank which came with a filstar XP3 filter. This tank was previously used for salt water and had coral life. I want to use this tank for fresh water. The filter came with new foam pads for the bottom layer. Do I have to do anything to the filter or tank to...
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