Recent content by orligirl16

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. O

    What do I need to keep fry alive?

    I have a female guppy that I'm 99.999% sure pregnant. I would like to try to save as many fry as possible. I've done some research and I've been getting contradicting information such as using a breeder net/tank vs not, transferring mama fish to a separate tank vs not, specialized food, etc...
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    New member/new to fish keeping

    After the zyme and coat, as of 6am and on yesterday (4/19) the chlorine was not registering on the test at all. I'm wondering if the specimens I got, the 4 female guppies that have all now died- we got them at the same time. Lost 2 within 17 hours due to possible ich but no idea about the...
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    New member/new to fish keeping

    I didn't think much about you saying chlorine would have irritated fishes gills. We had treated the tank with Stress coat and start zyme, and kept an eye on all the fish while checking the ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, ph, etc. We put the last of the water in this afternoon after treating it with...
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    New member/new to fish keeping

    Hello all! I joined this group because some of the fish advice groups on facebook weren't very helpful and seemed to mostly focus on saltwater aquariums or freshwater aquariums over 55 gal. I personally have a 10 gallon tank that I got from a garage sale site. The woman who owned it re-homed...
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