Recent content by Orlon11

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  1. O

    Fry in water change bucket!

    I've set them up in a plastic box with an air stone and some extra java moss. I tried feeding tiny amounts of powdered fish food, but I'm not sure if they went for it. But they must be eating something if they've lived this long!
  2. O

    Fry in water change bucket!

    About a week ago i did a water change and also removed a large amount of green hair algae that was growing everywhere. Out of laziness, I just left the bucket in the corner. Now I was just about to empty it out but I saw at lest 2 or 3 tiny fry swimming around! I think they must be Celestial...
  3. O

    What are these???

    The thing in the second picture looks like a daphnia. If so, it is completely harmless. Is the first picture of the eggs, or of the brown sluglike thing?
  4. O

    What to feed Scarlet Badis

    Mine eat baby cherry shrimp (there is a colony in the tank with them), snail eggs, grindal worms and baby brine shrimp. I've had no luck at all getting them to eat prepared food.
  5. O

    What is this?

    It's a damselfly larva. It may have come in as an egg on a plant. They are predatory and will eat shrimp, small fish and fry.
  6. O

    RCS and Endlers?

    As long as you have places for the shrimplets to hide (Java moss is great for this), you can keep a colony going with most (very) small fish. I haven't had a problem with my shrimp and endlers.
  7. O

    Help! Broken crossbar!

    Could I fix it by supergluing a metal plate to the centre brace? Or maybe by siliconing in a piece of glass across the middle? I don't really want to have to replace the entire top frame.
  8. O

    Help! Broken crossbar!

    I got a used 55 and was just testing it for leaks. I just looked at it, and the crossbar in the middle broke! Should I empty it out until I find a way to fix it? Is it damaging the tank to have it full with no crossbar?
  9. O

    Added pennywart to aquarium

    I have pennywort and it grows very easily. It will even grow up out of the water. Doesn't need ferts or lots of light.
  10. O

    Having trouble moving kuhli loaches

    Try using a small net to chase them into a big net.
  11. O

    Extremely hardy plants that can thrive in low light

    Java moss grows very easily in all lighting conditions. It grows attached to surfaces (to get it to attach, tie it on with string or fishing line, or stick a bit of it under the rock to anchor it) but can also float free as a large clump in the water. You can also get it to grow as a carpet or...
  12. O

    Extremely hardy plants that can thrive in low light

    Anubias and java fern both need to be tied to the rocks, or wedged between them. They will eventually grow attached (this might take a long time). I've even heard of people gluing them to the rocks! If you do that, make sure the glue you use is aquarium safe. If you bury the roots the plant...
  13. O

    Setting up my first aquarium, need advice

    Do you still have your other fish tanks? The best thing to do is wait a few days for the chlorine to dissipate (2-3), then add a filter sponge from an established aquarium and very few fish (in your case, you are going for large fish, so I would start with one). The bacteria in the old filter...
  14. O

    Extremely hardy plants that can thrive in low light

    Cryptocoryne and anubias are supposed to be good for low light as well.
  15. O

    Extremely hardy plants that can thrive in low light

    I would start with java moss, java ferns and/or moss balls. If they do alright, you could try elodea or pennywort.
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