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  1. P

    Purchasing RO/DI unit on Ebay

    I went with the majority vote here and got one from Filterdirect. I agree with you guys, it's going to give me quality water 0 TDS, and that is what we're looking for. I did go ahead and order the TDS meter and a float valve. Now just awaiting for my goodies to arrive.... :roll: Thanks...
  2. P

    Purchasing RO/DI unit on Ebay

    Just a couple of things I saw which I suppose explains some of the difference in price... I was looking back at the two Ebay links I posted and the more expensive one has a 1 micron sediment filter and 1 mircon carbon block filter; three year guarantee. The less expensive one is 5 micron...
  3. P

    Purchasing RO/DI unit on Ebay

    Thanks Phyl for the reply. I looked at the pic on the link you posted and the DI cartridge is clear (if that is the one that sits horizontal on the top with the blue ends). I was planning to keep mine under the sink as well. How many buckets to I need under the sink? One for the RO/DI water and...
  4. P

    Purchasing RO/DI unit on Ebay

    I've been reading past threads on RO/DI units, and have a question. From the two units (links) below, the only difference I can really see is that one has clear canisters the other solid white and the price. The clear one is $179.00 (75 gpd and upgradable), the white is $96.00 (85 gpd). Price...
  5. P

    Need help to ID algae and a creature

    Not yet, tmcpeek, and I do need to do that. My test kit doesn't test for phosphates, so I will be going to the store today to get the tests. From what I have read, if the nitrates and phosphates are nill, then it should prevent the growth, is that right? Is the green hair algae a prelude to...
  6. P

    Need help to ID algae and a creature

    Thanks Fluff, glad to be here! This is a very good forum. No skimmer purchased yet.
  7. P

    Need help to ID algae and a creature

    Hi all :) My tank is 4 months old. Last week, I added MH and actinic lighting. I am trying to lower my nitrates (currently at 40) and I am attributing the red and green algae growth to that, but the growth started when I began using the lights. I have them on for 10 hours. The bubbles also...
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