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  1. P

    help, parasite clear made my angelfish completely campfined

    He is only little at the moment and i do have an 80L tank but am waiting to move house before i set it up. Don't think he is trying to intimidate anyone cos the twitching only started when i put in the meds. I will keep up the water changes and hopefully that will help, thanks
  2. P

    help, parasite clear made my angelfish completely campfined

    Hi thanks for the welcome and thanks for the speedy reply. Will have to look into oral meds although with them spitting out their food it might be a problem.
  3. P

    help, parasite clear made my angelfish completely campfined

    Hi i have a 20L tank and i keep it at 26deg C (sorry Auzzie) I have two guppies and an angelfish. One of the guppies and the angelfish has been showing signs of internal paracites, ie eating spitting out and long stringy clear poo. I ordered some jungle parasite clear and dissolved the right...
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