Recent content by Pso408

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. P

    Am i through the cycle?

    I'll be gone for 6 days
  2. P

    Am i through the cycle?

    Ok thank you for the info. Here's another question.. In a few days I have to fly across the country for a week. My roommate is going to feed my fish for me but will not be able to do the water changes. Any suggestions? I'll change the water the day I go and of course use some prime...
  3. P

    Am i through the cycle?

    Also: yes that's a Betta and yes I researched what kind of fish it can live with. Everyone gets along. :)
  4. P

    Am i through the cycle?

    I have a 20 gallon tank and have been doing a fish-in cycle for approximately 6 or so weeks. I have an API master test kit and the results have mostly been the same since I started (ammonia .25, nitrites 0, nitrates 0).... I do daily 40% water changes and use prime. Today I tested the water...
  5. P

    Tank odor

    Hard to describe the smell. Just smells 'dirty'. Nitrates 0 Nitrites 0 Ammonia .25 Ph 7.6 I know prime stinks but it doesn't smell like prime. Is the 50% daily water change too much?
  6. P

    Tank odor

    Have a 20 gallon tank and am doing a fish-in cycle. I'm about 2 weeks into it. I have 4 red-eye tetra, 4 Cory, a Betta, and a common pleco. I have a large in the tank filter, an air pump, heater, gravel, etc. Doing a daily water change (due to the cycle) of approximately 40-50% and using...
  7. P

    Pleco not

    Bought a common pleco from petco about 5 days ago. I do not have algae in my tank so I bought him algae pellets. I feed him at night when the lights go out. My corydoras go crazy for them as soon as I put them in the tank (even though they eat shrimp pellets AND the fish food that falls to...
  8. P

    Brand new- need help

    Ok here are the results from the API master kit: Ph 7.6 Ammonia 0.25 Nitrate 0 Nitrite 0 Also I bought some prime.
  9. P

    Brand new- need help

    Thanks everyone for all your help. Much appreciated. I got a new 20 gallon today and followed your instructions on transferring everything. The fish seem really happy with it. Here are the test results: Nitrate- 20ppm Nitrite- 1.0 ppm Hardness- 75 Alkalinity- 80 Ph- 8.4
  10. P

    Brand new- need help

    Ok I will certainly go out and buy a test kit today and post results. The more I read, I am finding that maybe a 20 gallon tank would be much more appropriate and even possibly easier to keep clean? Should I get a 20 gallon tank? If so, how should I transfer everything? Thanks for your help...
  11. P

    Brand new- need help

    I just want to start off by mentioning that I am completely new to the hobby. I admit that I was ignorant and made a mistake but I would never purposefully harm or mis-care for any animal. I just never knew how much went into having an aquarium. Again, I feel very ignorant and feel awful. I just...
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