Recent content by Quinn

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Quinn

    DIY Tank

    Does anyone know how or were to acquire cheap glass for a DIY tank?
  2. Quinn

    Planted 5!!

    My background is completely stuffed with Anacharis and cambomba. I'll just try to keep the sprite trimmed and see where it goes from there. I have a bunch of 6 stems of Anacharis if you know anyone interested by the way.
  3. Quinn

    Planted 5!!

    I made sure to put the rhizome right above the substrate ( which is sand ). Today I seperated the micro sword and replanted, along with 75% water change because of tannins from the dirt. Where can I find dwarf puffers? Also I switched the water sprite and the crypt. How does it look?
  4. Quinn

    Algea in dirt tank

    Thank you so much. I was very worried when I saw this on my dirted tank.
  5. Quinn

    Planted 5!!

    Thanks. The small grass type stuff is micro sword. I probably will switch the water sprite with the crypts later on. Stay posted as a will be adding fish soon. What do you suggest?
  6. Quinn

    Planted 5!!

    Wow. I thought that was tank lingo or something.
  7. Quinn

    Planted 5!!

    I'm kind of a newb, so what does atm stand for? I have a penguin biowheel 100, 17 watts of flourescent light, and dirt capped with sand.
  8. Quinn

    Planted 5!!

    Any suggestions or comments onmy newly planted 5 gallon tank are greatly appreciated. So are fish suggestions.
  9. Quinn

    Guilty about Goldfish.

    Also, do I just walk into the Lfs with the fish in a bag and ask for credit or it?
  10. Quinn

    Guilty about Goldfish.

    I'm looking at getting some various tetras, and a couple other of species. There are 4 small goldfish in a 20 gallon, wich I know is way overstocked, but I have then filter turning it over 20 times an hour. I want to keep the tank but not the fish...
  11. Quinn

    Guilty about Goldfish.

    I don't want to kill my goldfish, but I don't have a want or need for them. I want some different fish in the tank, but don't want to feel guilty about getting rid of the fish.
  12. Quinn

    First poor little Goldy... Please help

    Yah know, it may be better this way... He doesn't have to go through mess or healing. Idk
  13. Quinn

    10 Gallon Newbie Planted

    Wow, thanks. I have replaced the incandescent with flourescent. Also, as a stupid beginner to planted, dirted my tank, and capped with sand. I am now waiting for my order of Anacharis, Anubis, Crypts, dwarf hair grass, and a banana plant. Kinda sparse, but hoping for it to sorta fill in.
  14. Quinn

    10 Gallon Newbie Planted

    Any plant suggestions for a tropical tank? Filter? Lighting? Helpful tips?
  15. Quinn

    First Try:37 gallon

    Never have been onto saltwater, but sounds cool.
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