Recent content by Relova

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  1. R

    Shrimp for newly established tank

    We already have some wild type coloring in the 30 gallon. We knew it would happen but really like all of the colors together. I'm not mad though. The wilds are what convinced my husband to set up the 20 long as a dedicated shrimp breeding set up. Working on the hard scape for each section now...
  2. R

    Shrimp for newly established tank

    Just an update. Added 20 blue dream shrimp to the 10 gallon shortly after my last post. They're multiplying quickly and more mommas pop up berried as quickly as they hatch. Added a mystery snail. Tank is doing well. We added a few of each color into our 30 gallon community. Reds, red rili...
  3. R

    Newbie Questions

    Tank 1. The 30 gallon.
  4. R

    Newbie Questions

    Tanks are all looking pretty good. Slowly stocking tank 1. 13 Neon tetras, 5 cherry barbs, and 20ish neocaridina shrimp. Added plants a few more times. Parameters are all looking good. Nitrates have dropped a little between 5 and 10, but it is pretty well planted. A little algae growth this...
  5. R

    Newbie Questions

    Tank 1 and 2 still looking good. Tank 3 had 0 ammonia, .125 nitrites (between 0 and .25), and just under 5 nitrate (but definitely more orange than 0) this morning. Not an instant cycle, but more progress in a day than I made with that tank all along! Maybe pebbles the betta will be able to...
  6. R

    Newbie Questions

    The car from the 30 fit into the 10's filter! I added a scoop of substrate as well for good luck. I have been testing daily since the beginning of the month and logging it into an aquarium app. I like the little graphs :)
  7. R

    Newbie Questions

    Tank 1 has inhabitants. Tank 2 is housing the betta for now. We wanted him back home and figured he would help maintain the cycle until tank 3 is ready for him. 48 hours in and both tanks show 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and nitrates present. Tank 3 was just cleaned, refilled, and a filter cart...
  8. R

    Shrimp for newly established tank

    I've been looking for chili rasboras, but havent found any yet. Out of those you mentioned would any do well in a 10 gallon in an appropriately numbered group? I'm looking them up now. I try to head to the store with a good idea of what I'm looking for. In the community tank we're okay with...
  9. R

    Shrimp for newly established tank

    Those emergency tanks are quickly multiplying around here. Lol How do people keep shrimp only tanks if the bio load isn't enough with shrimp only? How many shrimp would it take in a 10 gallon? (I fear the answer is far more than I plan to purchase) Our plan is a community 30 gallon and a...
  10. R

    Shrimp for newly established tank

    Dr tims ammonium chloride. I was doing fish food originally but switched to this a week or so ago. Cycling out 2ppm in just over 24 hours. (Some days I manage to test at 24 hours but the last few days it's been 30-36 hours between tests.
  11. R

    Shrimp for newly established tank

    30 gallon community with maybe 15-20 neon tetras and ember tetras. Maybe something a little larger later on, a few dwarf gourami. I'm cycling a 10 gallon to be a shrimp and plant only tank. 90% of the plants in both tanks were from established tanks. Today's test was the first with 0 ammonia...
  12. R

    Shrimp for newly established tank

    I have a 30 gallon recently cycled tank that I want to begin to stock this weekend. It has been running for just over 3 weeks. Fully cycled for a few days now. Not quite heavily planted, but pretty decently. How long should a tank 'age' before it's ready for neocaridina shrimp? I want to add...
  13. R

    Newbie Questions

    Tank 1 is cycled! Ammonia is dropping within 24 hours. Nitrites are 0 since the 12th. Nitrates are present. Did a large water change the 13th and everything still looks good. We added our light a few days ago. Added two bunches of jungle val and some java moss. Plants are doing really well...
  14. R

    Newbie Questions

    We want to take one of the extra filters carts we put in tank 1 30 gallon (the almost cycled) into tank 3 10 gallon (the tank with just ammonia that originally housed the betta). We plan to wait just didnt know how long to wait Tank two seems to be on its way. Ammonia is starting to drop a...
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