Recent content by RickEA

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  1. RickEA

    Do I Need An Air Pump?

    I was talking air stones, unless I mentioned power heads in my post? Either way, I agree that both aquariums with or without can be great, but disagree that it only adds some bubbles. The aeration of your water becomes better with adding some air stones, not stating that you need one and never...
  2. RickEA

    Green tint to water

    Get a UV sterilizer and your water will be clear and clean within a couple weeks. What are your phosphate levels?
  3. RickEA

    Do I Need An Air Pump?

    You might not think of an Oxygen pump as a valuable extra to your tank but it definitely is. The more oxygen you provide towards your nitrifying bacteria the better and more stable your levels will be. These bacteria need a good oxygen supply to grow and stabilize in your tank. Even after your...
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