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My Tanks
I currently have a 29 gallon planted aquarium. I have a T5 fixture with two 18-watt bulbs and also another 20 watt light that came with the tank when I got it. I have an anubias plant, amazon swords, water wisteria, dwarf hairgrass and aracharis plants. I dose it with Co2 booster (a little lower than recommended dose) and it is substrated with CaribSea FloraMa Planted Aquarium Substrate with sand over it. I have 3 platies, a male betta, a guppy, 6 glowlight tetras, 3 panda cories, and 2 mystery snails. I am supposed to be getting some cherry shrimp sometime this week. I also plan on adding 2 oto cats when I get a good amount of algae growth
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