Recent content by rootbeer

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  1. R

    Mysterious repeated fish deaths

    True, salt doesn't evaporate, but it does come out when I do water changes. I'm adding a tbsp per 5 gal at water changes which is a drop in the bucket (pardon the pun), and concentration shouldn't increase. Anyhow, a little aquarium salt is pretty normal as a general tonic (and generally helpful...
  2. R

    Mysterious repeated fish deaths

    Yep, you're right about the siphon and bucket, so they aren't totally independent systems so it's possible some introduced pathogen has been shared. What the something is is the question.
  3. R

    Mysterious repeated fish deaths

    To answer the above questions: - Actual readings from both tanks: Ammonia: <.25 ppm, Nitrate 10-20ppm, Nitrite 0-0.05ppm, soft water ~75 ppm, chlorine/chloramine 0, alkalinity is a bit low at ~80-100 ppm, pH ~7. - Both tanks are about a year old, started fresh when I moved into my new place. No...
  4. R

    Mysterious repeated fish deaths

    All parameters are pretty much perfect in both tanks Nitrates/Nitrites/Ammonia/pH, all good. I've thought a lot about the connection between the two tanks - the only common factors are (a) same water source, and (b) same chemicals (dechlorinator/conditioner/salt). Nothing has been exchanged from...
  5. R

    Red tailed shark

    The mix of the TBs and the red tailed shark seems reasonable to me as long as you only have one red tailed shark. You could probably do more than one when you upgrade. I haven't ever mixed bloodfin tetras with tiger barbs, but it sounds like you'll have enough tiger barbs to keep themselves busy...
  6. R

    Mysterious repeated fish deaths

    I would be grateful if anyone could shed some light on the problem I've been having. In both of my tanks, fish will suddenly die with almost no warning signs. It only happens to one, maybe two at a time while the others seem perfectly healthy, and the fish that die show no outward symptoms of...
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