Recent content by Ruthless

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. R

    sudden death

    I will get a testing kit. I was told that you can have 1" of fish for every gallon of water. Is that not correct? And cleaning it once a month isn't enough? I really appreciate your feedback - If the scenario you describe is what happened, why would the "native" fish die first and the new ones...
  2. R

    sudden death

    No, nothing new and I don't know how anything could have gotten in there. I'm the only one who touches the tank.
  3. R

    sudden death

    That's a good idea. I don't know what an "lfs" is - a pet store?
  4. R

    sudden death

    No, I didn't quarantine them - just acclimated them. No, I didn't see any bullying - either way - and the angels were much larger. Yesterday I changed half the water. This morning the last two red fish are dead and the little frog (who has been in there for almost 8 years) is having a feast. He...
  5. R

    sudden death

    I got them at a pet store (Burton's Total Pet) many years ago. The red was around the edge of their bodies and their eyes were red around them. I vacuum and change at least one-third of the water every month. I haven't changed anything that I do to maintain the tank in 8 years.
  6. R

    sudden death

    I didn't change anything about how I clean the tank. Ammonia makes sense, though, because it would explain how it happened to all of them so suddenly. Do you think the removal of the bottom feeder might have caused this? Do they alter the ammonia in the water?
  7. R

    sudden death

    I've had my 35 gal hex for 8 years. For the past 5 years I've had angel fish - five of them. When I bought them they were as big as a quarter and had grown to almost 4" each. 10 days ago I donated my "sucker" fish (bottom feeder) to the pet store because it had grown to almost 8" long and was...
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