Recent content by sammy99

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  1. sammy99

    My new 125 gallon planted tank

    Just hooked up my CO2 system. I have it timed with the lights from 2-9 pm daily. My java fern are burning I believe. Crypts are yellowing. I have added root tabs to all plants now. Hope to see some great success soon.
  2. sammy99

    My new 125 gallon planted tank

    Here it goes I got a 125 gallon tank with 2-3" of Eco complete base. Tank is 72*18*22. My 48" lighting consists of 2 54 watt red wave t5 2 54 watt 12000k super day light t5 2 54 watt tropical wave t5 7 hours a day 1 cap if flourish when light come on everyday. 1 cap or excel once a week...
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