Recent content by Sectoid Command

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. S

    How to Propagate Java Ferns

    You can either wait for them to fall off themselves or if you're impatient, just give the new plant a good hard tug and they'll come off.
  2. S

    1.5 gallon little mermaid tank for daughter

    I have read that many betta keepers find it hard to cycle tanks smaller than 5 gallons...and some can do it with a 2.5. I have no personal experience with this and I don't know why this might be so. Maybe there's just not enough surface area. You could just through a shrimp in there and check...
  3. S

    1.5 gallon little mermaid tank for daughter

    My inlaws keep a comet goldfish in about a quart of water. That fish has been alive in that for years. Yeah, it works. But if you ever want to know what an ammonia burn is I can show you some pretty good ones.
  4. S

    1.5 gallon little mermaid tank for daughter

    How to keep fish in a too small Gallons. 1. Large water changes every other day. (75%+) 2. Include small heater noted in previous post and NEVER turn down your thermostat for any reason thereafter. And place aquarium away from windows, outside walls, and heating...
  5. S

    neverending ph question

    Stable is better. Don't mess with it unless you're trying to breed fish or something. My ph is about 8.5 and the fish and plants really don't seem to care.
  6. S

    Overhauling my system--

    Someone correct me if I am wrong, but aren't Hagen PowerGlos 10,000K bulbs? If memory serves me correctly I believe they are. Those bulbs are probably more for marine tanks and non-planted tanks (just for color in this case). Most planted tank folk, myself included, have better luck using...
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