Recent content by severage

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  1. S

    What else to add?

    Are they similar to glowlights? Because my DG never bothers them at all.
  2. S

    What else to add?

    Thanks guys. I didnt mean I got annoyed when people attacked me, but over at Fishlore (I love the place, dont get me wrong) I asked the same question, and everyone started telling me I should rehouse my Dwarf Gourami into a 20 gallon and other stuff. DGs have a minimum tank size of 5 gallons...
  3. S

    What else to add?

    10 gallon tank, 1 Dwarf Gourami, 7 Glowlight tetras. Before you attack me about stocking, aqadvisor or the calculator thing said I have 66% stocking and 155% filtration. I'm not necessarily looking for more fish (though would love it), but shrimp and other smaller critters as well. The tanks is...
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