Recent content by skuredboi3000

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  1. S

    Plants constantly dying. Makes me sad.

    I've coddled these plants long enough! I did more than release both barrels. I released the [moderator edit] kraken on 'em and went out with guns blazing firing at the rate of Bruce Lee's punches. Ive had enough of this try to gently coerce them to be healthy stuff. May the odds be ever in my...
  2. S

    Plants constantly dying. Makes me sad.

    Wow thanks everyone so much! I just got several small tetras and a few ghost shrimp for some long term fertilizer/care. I also added Leaf Zone plus seven root tabs and a little bit of CO2 Booster. We'll see how this plays out because I don't know what else these plants could need at this point.
  3. S

    Plants constantly dying. Makes me sad.

    Oh ok! I was under the impression that you were supposed to have 0 nitrites and nitrates. The big plant is Green Temple and it's leaves look weak and droopy, and the other smaller plants in the front almost have blackish leaves at parts. I put a new bag of eco-complete in it last month but maybe...
  4. S

    Plants constantly dying. Makes me sad.

    Hello fine Aquarium Advice people, I have a 50 gallon freshwater tank with several plants in their (I attached a few pictures, so I hope those are visible). The tank is maybe a little over a year old, but I have never had any success with my plants growing. I bought a lot last year and all but...
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