Recent content by smemtb371409

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  1. S

    pregnant platy!

    so there still are no babies, and she looks like she has gotten smaller. What could have happened? I have been here the whole time watching her hoping to see her give birth but she no longer looks pregnant nor are there fry.... any info would be appreciated
  2. S

    pregnant platy!

    and shs just been kinda floating around the past two days, not really doing much except eating and chillig out.,..
  3. S

    pregnant platy!

    also when i look very closely at her belly which is usually white and almost seethru and is now a midium shade of gray, I can see tiny little black dots which i am assuming are the frys eyes... am i correct?
  4. S

    pregnant platy!

    platy preggo I have two plastic plants in the tank bunched together and I have larger sized plastic jewel shaped stones in there as well. The lady at the fish store said that by looking at the pic of my platy she looked ready to drop the fry at any time but this was last thrusday and the pic...
  5. S

    pregnant platy!

    platy thanks a ton for that info... How will i know that she is ready to start giving birth? and what if it happens while im at school or work? im usually gone dring the day on weekdays. will she eat all of them if im not here? or is there a chance that a good amount will make it? please...
  6. S

    pregnant platy!

    I have had my three gallon tank for three months now, my five gallon for two months, and my ten gallon for a couple of weeks. I bought two platys a little less than a month ago and since then my female platy has tripled in size. I took a pic of her and took her to my fish store where they told...
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