Recent content by Stephen Rollins

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  1. Stephen Rollins

    New Tank

    You will know the difference when you see a fire worm. Even if you've never seen one. Big and red
  2. Stephen Rollins

    New Tank

    Some fire worms can be very harmful to corals in a saltwater tank. Most however are beneficial scavengers. The ones that are harmful are very rare to see in an aquarium and almost never hitch hike on live rock. Before you do anything drastic try to find out exactly what species of fireworm you...
  3. Stephen Rollins


    They sell some stuff called aiptasia x. You just shoot it in its mouth and it suffocates it and it usually blows up. Pretty cool to watch. Lol
  4. Stephen Rollins


    Aiptasia anemone. Not good. Nuke it !!
  5. Stephen Rollins

    help identifying

    Mine are mostly in my sump Called pineapple sponge
  6. Stephen Rollins

    Help with coral id and requirements

    Looks like a ring of fire zoa
  7. Stephen Rollins

    New Tank

    Bristle worm. Good. Keep them part of the clean up crew
  8. Stephen Rollins

    Help!!!! With identification

    Yup looks like a ricordia to me
  9. Stephen Rollins

    What kind of anemone is this???

    Was told that its a bubble tip. But looks like a colored condy to me Any ideas
  10. Stephen Rollins

    Hundrerds of snails

    Feather dusters
  11. Stephen Rollins

    150 gallon tank build

    Might need to try and take a razor blade to it with vinegar. Once I used CLR and a razor blade. I know people don't condone it because of the chemicals. But mine worked out fine. I just made sure I rinsed and rinsed and rinsed it out numerous times. Had no issues
  12. Stephen Rollins

    Need Help w/Corals

    Just trying to help you honey. Oh and you just said "stalk" lol Ask me first. Lol
  13. Stephen Rollins

    Need Help w/Corals

    Sorry I meant to say danner not saner lol
  14. Stephen Rollins

    Need Help w/Corals

    Flow is not an issue we have a saner 9.5 pump ( 950 gallons ) and a 1050 circulation pump
  15. Stephen Rollins

    Need Help w/Corals

    Nope! The current bio load can sustain the amount added to the tank.
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