Recent content by Svenka

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  1. Svenka

    Dwarf Flame Gourami Chasing Guppies

    Ok, sounds good, I'll try them. And they sound like exactly what I want. :)
  2. Svenka

    Dwarf Flame Gourami Chasing Guppies

    How delicate are shrimp? My tank has only had fish in it for about 2 & 1/2 weeks. Is that too well established or should I be ok? Are they very hard to care for? I kinda need things that are easy to care for, for now any way.
  3. Svenka

    Dwarf Flame Gourami Chasing Guppies

    My guppy has more notches out of his tail today. :( He's swimming very slowly and is usually at the bottom of the tank now. I figure he will die within the next day or two. Is there any way to know if the gourami will attack the other guppy once this one has died?
  4. Svenka

    Dwarf Flame Gourami Chasing Guppies

    Ok, so no flushing! Got it! I just didn't know you could take them back. Thanks for all the advice! As you probably all know by now, I'm new at this.
  5. Svenka

    Dwarf Flame Gourami Chasing Guppies

    Ok, so it will be about a month before I can go back to the pet store and get more fish/decorations. If I throw out the pleco and gourami (do I just flush them?), what fish can I get to replace them that will get along with my guppies and still be beautiful and diverse? EDIT: Last time I was at...
  6. Svenka

    Dwarf Flame Gourami Chasing Guppies

    I asked the saleswoman at Petco if every one of the fish would work well together in my 10 gallon tank. She said they would be fine together.If I get rid of the pleco, how do I control the algae without using a ton of chemicals and such. Could I get another type of pleco? Also, won't the pleco...
  7. Svenka

    Dwarf Flame Gourami Chasing Guppies

    I think it's just a common one. He's not anything special. I'll try to rearrange some things. I'll probably try to get some bigger plants too. Thanks for the tips!
  8. Svenka

    Dwarf Flame Gourami Chasing Guppies

    I have a fairly new tank with 2 male guppies, a dwarf flame gourami, and a pleco. All in one 10 gallon tank. I've noticed in the past couple of days the the gourami has been chasing my smaller guppy around. This morning I noticed that the guppy has a notch out of his tail. The guppies seem to be...
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