Recent content by Terra03

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. T


    I replace the filter whenever it is very dirty/full. But thats it. We did have a clogged pump and ended up cleaning a lot of gunk from the pump and the back of the tank. We are starting to think that we cleaned too much of the tank during that and it caused it to recycle.
  2. T


    Thanks! I will have to look into that. I'm not sure how to go about getting bio-media or an auxiliary filter in the tank. The tank is small and the filter is one that came with the tank. This is the tank that I have:
  3. T


    I need some advice. I started my 5 gallon tank in April and it went through the whole Nitrogen Cycle but now I have ammonia in my tank. I have/had a betta, blue snail and African dwarf frog. My Betta died from what I assume to be ammonia poisoning a few days ago :( I think it may have been due...
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