Recent content by tough cookie

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. my little blue damsel

    my little blue damsel

  2. my new chocolate chip starfish

    my new chocolate chip starfish

  3. some of my live and dead rock I have..

    some of my live and dead rock I have..

  4. about a month of the start of my tank

    about a month of the start of my tank

  5. T

    24 hours into setting up Saltwater, advice please??

    oh no I haven't added any other fish to the tank yet. As for the snail no I didn't acclimate to him. Maybe I should have, I figured he would have been a little tougher then that lol but I am learning as I go ,, and thank you for the information on it.
  6. T

    24 hours into setting up Saltwater, advice please??

    well I thought they put the font settings here for people to change things up once in awhile, gheesh I didn't know it would bother anyone. and what is drip acclimate?
  7. T

    24 hours into setting up Saltwater, advice please??

    Well I am working up to getting sea horses and different star fish, they are in no way aggresive and very slow eaters so I'll have to let the damsel go, they will never get food if I kept the damsel. Just sea horses cost so much I want to make sure everything is going to work perfect before I...
  8. T

    24 hours into setting up Saltwater, advice please??

    the tank is doing wonderful.. I have had a damsel in it for the past week and it is doing great. the ammonia levels is great, and so is hydrometer level. The live sand is turning a dark brown on top for some reason though I don't quite get, I guess it just does that. but everything is great.. :lol:
  9. T

    24 hours into setting up Saltwater, advice please??

    It's all cool :) I am not as frustrated as it might have sounded just a little disappointed in myself. I have everything at the right levels and doing good and holding strong. I am just taking one day at a time and patiently waiting with just seashells, sand, and live rocks in there. along with...
  10. T

    24 hours into setting up Saltwater, advice please??

    I am really starting to rethink this saltwater thing cause the more I read on it and the more I hear from you guys on here the more annoyed I am becoming with it all.
  11. T

    24 hours into setting up Saltwater, advice please??

    Oh my gosh lol I almost forgot about that.. Ok I will get to that right away. But I will have to wait till middle of week to get prawn and put in.. I live out in the country,, so close store sells seafood lol I know terrible right?? :lol:
  12. T

    24 hours into setting up Saltwater, advice please??

    waste source?? ugghhh ok now what r u talking about?
  13. T

    24 hours into setting up Saltwater, advice please??

    The tank is doing AWESOME!!! Temp setting at 78 degrees. tested for ammonia and have no traces of it at all. Got a powerhead making a good strong current across my rocks, light is on, and hydrometer is holding good, still a little bit higher then I would like but it keeps moving up and down...
  14. T

    24 hours into setting up Saltwater, advice please??

    Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community - tough cookie's Album: 1st Saltwater from beginning - Picture
  15. T

    24 hours into setting up Saltwater, advice please??

    Ok so here I tried to add a pic we will see if it worked.
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