Recent content by tripper

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Wrasses, Parrotfish, Triggerfish and Puffers

    Wrasses, Parrotfish, Triggerfish and Puffers

  2. T

    Selling 72G bowfront

    I have listed both the tank and the light on ebay if anyone is interested.
  3. T

    Selling 72G bowfront

    PM sent
  4. T

    Selling 72G bowfront

    Shameless bump . . . really need to sell!!
  5. T

    Anemone ID please

    If that's what it looks like when it's completely expanded, could it be a carpet anemone? Certainly doesn't look like most BTA's that I've seen.
  6. T

    Phosphate/Algae Problems

    It looks like you need to battle this problem from a couple different angles. First: Your RO/DI water should register 0 for phosphate. You might want to look into replacing your DI membrane. That should solve that problem. If that's not the source, your salt mix may have phosphates. I would...
  7. T

    Tang Advice Needed

    Although I do agree with some of macman's advice, I STRONGLY encourage you to NEVER treat your main tank with copper. If you were to dose copper, the chances of ever being able to have an invert in the tank are very low. Copper absorbs into the LR, seams, etc and can leach out over time. It...
  8. T

    Cycle has begun (i think) lol

    Nope, sounds like you're really hitting the spike. The bacteria will reproduce and consume that ammonia and nitrite, you just have to be patient. Looks like you have 2-3 weeks to go until you're cycled! Good luck! tripper
  9. T

    copepods, amphipods, crabs, and arghhh!!!

    I don't believe you will have enough LR to sustain a mandarin. Unless you can find one that is eating frozen food (very rare), I believe he would die a slow death. A general rule is 1 mandarin per 100 lbs of LR . . . and that only counts if you don't have other fish that feed off of pods as well.
  10. T

    Selling 72G bowfront

    I am selling my 72G bowfront. I have really enjoyed the tank but do not have the time to maintain it. The livestock is very healthy and the tank has been set up since June 2004. Everything is in great shape, the only issue I have is a hair algae outbreak. I have been doing a number of PWCs...
  11. T

    Wanted to share an expeience I had today.

    I see you're in PA . . . where exactly and what LFS were you in? I've had a similar situation at a LFS neary me in Philly. tripper
  12. T

    Auriga Butterfly not eating and twiching

    The fish can go up to 2 weeks without eating. It's not suggested, but it can survive. If it's starting to scratch on the rocks, you might be looking at the onset of ich. However, if you have not seen any signs, you could potentially be looking at velvet. Is the fish in QT right now? The...
  13. T

    My fish wish list. I need your comments

    From what I have read, no two dwarf angels can be housed together unless you have a very large tank. You might be able to get away with a dwarf angel and a normal angel, but you tank probably isn't large enough for that. Just a little advice. Your fish list, even before these additions, is...
  14. T

    Auriga Butterfly not eating and twiching

    Hmmmmm, from the sounds of it, all tank specs seem in order. It might just be the fish adjusting to the tank. You said it was in QT for 2 weeks. How long ago was it added to the main tank? If very recently, it might just be adjusting. Did you do the same acclimation when going from the QT...
  15. T

    Auriga Butterfly not eating and twiching

    Can you give us some info about your tank? Specifically: Tank size LR? How much? Water Parameters: Ammonia Nitrite Nitrate pH Salinity Temp How did you acclimate the fish? Was he eating in the LFS when you bought it? If you can help us out with those questions we should be able to help you...
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