Recent content by TwistedTowerTaked

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  1. T

    Need help stabilizing my tanks

    I currently have 3 white clouds, 3 platys and 2 Otto cats in the 14 gallon. In the 5 gallon I have 4 neon tetra and a betta. I found a new home for a snail (previously in the 14gallon)and moved 3 panda lyretails from the 14 to my new 30 gallon. I also moved a female betta from the 5 gallon to...
  2. T

    Panda lyretail just had babies

    I have moved the fry (that I have managed to catch so far) into a little beta bowl. Will they be ok in there if I change the water regularly? I was just planning to feed them extra flake crushed up as small as I cab get it. Will that do the trick? The three I have caught so far are only about...
  3. T

    Need help stabilizing my tanks

    Sorry-you asked about my tap water. .5ppm ammonia 0 nitrite 5 ppm nitrate
  4. T

    Need help stabilizing my tanks

    My 5 gallon reads .25ppm nitrite &5 ppm nitrate The 14 gallon reads 0 nitrite and a trace of nitrate-the color is somewhere between 0&5-probably 0 as well. My new tank is just getting started, but it tests positive for fry! My panda lyretail decided to give birth in the new tank last night...
  5. T

    Need help stabilizing my tanks

    Memorial day 2012 will be remembered as the weekend of the water change. I have a 14 gallon bio cube and a 5 gallon desktop tank. Both have been running since around February. About a month ago I had huge ammonia spikes in both tanks. I tried to fix the problem with ammo-lock and water changes...
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