Recent content by U_Hoo

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. U_Hoo

    Could 'stirring-up' my PFS caused problems??

    Hello. So I have a 55gal tank that's been fully cycled for 3 weeks. I've had 2 clown loaches and one RTS for about a week and a half. We had planned to start adding cichlids tomorrow. Things were going great. Yesterday I noticed the previously crystal clear water was slightly milky. I...
  2. U_Hoo

    Sand or gravel?

    I used Quickrete brand pool filter sand. Looks awesome! We didn't rinse it first either (gasp!). We felt it would be clean enough due to being specifically for pool filters. PLUS some playsands can have anti-fungal additives which would NOT be good for the fishies. It took about a day to...
  3. U_Hoo

    New setup has weird white fuzzy stuff on rock

    The tank has been cycled for about 2 weeks. Here's a pic of the entire setup:
  4. U_Hoo

    New setup has weird white fuzzy stuff on rock

    Oh good. Thanks for the reply! We've tried to do everything as close to perfect as possible and we were really freaking out this morning :( We are waiting another week or two before adding cichlids (yellow labs and acei's) so hopefully it'll be gone by then!
  5. U_Hoo

    New setup has weird white fuzzy stuff on rock

    Hello. I have a new African setup that's so new, I don't even have any cichlids yet! It was finished cycling almost 2 weeks ago but we didn't add fish until a few days ago. Started with 2 clown loaches and 1 RTS. All of them are 1-1/2". Anyhoo, This morning was the first day to feed them...
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